Two Friendly Aliens
This website is the © copyright property of the ‘owners of’ atlantisEVOLUTION ‘the Adult Lifestyle Club’. MEET | PARTY | PLAY The author has asserted the work as *his own (*the owners of’ atlantisEVOLUTION), intellectual property. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be copied without express prior and written permission. Copying or plagiarising from this website is therefore theft. We will assert our legal right at all times to protect this copyright in law. © 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024/2025 Learn About Copyright Law atlantisEVOLUTION is a Private Members Club. atlantisEVOLUTION is owned solely by atlantisEVOLUTION. atlantisEVOLUTION is a Private Limited Company. It has no affiliation, ownership, part-ownership with any other ‘swingers’ club or individual/s in the UK or Abroad. LAST UPDATE: 13 February 2025
atlantisEVOLUTION Evolution House 10 William Clowes Street Burslem Stoke on Trent Staffordshire ST6 3AP (open map) EMAIL: cat.atlantisevolution (at) Helping keep our spam to a minimum. Please replace the ‘(at)’ with ‘@’ when mailing us. 07971 185 999
____________________________________________________ Friday: 9pm-2am Entrance Couples: £20 +Life Membership is £20 (per couple) That’s £40 in total first visit - £20 thereafter Entrance Singles Males: £30 +Life Membership is £20 That’s £50 in total first visit - £30 thereafter Entrance Single Females: £10 +Life Membership is £20 That’s £30 in total first visit - £10 thereafter ____________________________________________________ Saturday: 9pm-2am Entrance Couples: £20 +Life Membership is £20 (per couple) That’s £40 in total first visit - £20 thereafter Entrance Single Females: £10 +Life Membership is £20 That’s £30 in total first visit - £10 thereafter SINGLE GENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON A SATURDAY ____________________________________________________ Greedy Girls: 8pm-Midnight 1st Wednesday of each Month See the Our Nights Page for further info’ New Members Life Membership is £20 (everybody) Couples: £FREE Single Fems: £FREE Entrance Singles Males: £30 ____________________________________________________ Sunday Fetish Events: 3pm-8pm Lifetime Membership is £20 pp Entrance is £10 pp. All welcome. ___NOTE: FETISH IS A NON SWINGING EVENT ___ You will be issued with a membership card please bring this with you each time that you visit. Memberships are NOT transferable. Do not arrive drunk New to Swinging? Always wanted to give it a try? Have you been putting it off? Some of your questions answered . . . Are swinging clubs legal? o Well we certainly are, we are fully licensed by our local authority. Not all clubs are fully legal - some are not even known to their local authority. Is it confidential? o Yes. We are fully registered with ICO and GDPR Compliant See below under things you should know. What’s it like in there? o It’s just like a nice nightclub. Is it full of weird people? o No. Everyone is quite normal. Well just as normal as you are at least. Is it welcoming? o Unbelievably. Is it friendly? o Very. We are New to Swinging can we Play on our own or just watch or be watched? o Yes of course you can. Nobody would think that strange. When can I join? o Single Fems and Couples can join any day that we open. Single Gentlemen can join Friday or on other selected events (see our calendar). I’m a single female will I be welcome. o Very. And we will go out of our way to help and assist you. Can I call for a chat? o Yes of course you can. See times/days that we are available on our contact page. Can we Play anywhere in the Club? o Everywhere, but reception and the smoking deck. Why not make this the year that you started swinging. You really will wonder why you took so long to do so.
Our Rules | Dress Code | Privacy

Getting the best out of your time with us . . .

Download an Application Form Here You will need an application form for each member joining - Do not email this form back to us - Do bring it with you on your first visit. Don’t forget to bring the required ID with the form. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN THE FORM UNTIL YOU ARRIVE. You can fill an application form at reception if you wish to.

Joining us is a very simple process however there are a some things that you have to do.

IMPORTANT: We are NOT a Lapdance Club, a Striptease Club, or a Brothel. We NEVER EVER have paid Sex-Workers at ANY of our events. If this is what you are looking for then we are NOT for you! You must be a minimum of 18 years (No upper age limit) to join atlantisEVOLUTION. Do I have to join? Simply. Yes. atlantisEVOLUTION is a Private Members Club. We are licensed and registered with our Local Authority. We do not do Guest Memberships or show-a-rounds, you have to join fully and properly before entrance to any part of the club. We do not do internet, email or telephone sign-ups. You join on-the-night, in person, with the proper ID. WE NEVER GIVE NUMBERS ATTENDING OVER THE PHONE Please don’t ask you won’t get an answer! What happens in the club stays in the club Last entry for Members is Midnight. We won’t answer the door after this time. To join you need to bring a proper ID something official & recent that details your name and current home address: For example: One ID must show Address Drivers License - Utility Bill - Bank Statement Council Letter - Plus 18 Citizen Card or similar. ID is required for 'each' person joining. If you look to be below the age of 21 we may require 2 forms of ID - at least one must be a Passport or Drivers License. NO ID means NO ENTRANCE NO EXCEPTIONS We reserve the right to search bags at reception. Dress Code: Very smart. As if you were attending a nice nightclub or wine bar. Very smart jeans are okay. No Hoodies or Trainers or Tracksuit Bottoms/Tops/Football Strip or Football Tops. Modern fashion shoes like Vans or Converse are fine. No outdoor coats in the main areas of the club. A just-fallen-off-the-sofa look, is not cool. We reserve the right at all times to refuse entry if you are not dressed to our minimum requirements. We are not a wet club so you can dress-up or down as you wish. Often Fems will bring racier outfits to dress down into. We do not have lockers but we can keep small personal items for you in our safe and dress-wear in reception. Because we are NOT a wet club, we do not have or issue towels. We also do not like people to walk around in towels - it’s not the image we are seeking to foster - you may walk around as dressed or as undressed as you wish however. Anyone can dress down at any time, but we won’t tell you to. Arrive quietly and suitably dressed - change down if you wish to after you have arrived - Leave quietly and appropriately dressed. Hand Sanitiser Dispensers are in Reception - Bar Area. Play room Areas. Lounge Areas. Please use freely. A high-standard of personal-grooming is essential. Look good - Smell Good - Feel Good. No Chewing Gum anywhere. There is a shower at the top of the first landing - with fresh towels, shower, soap and hair-dryer. Bring your own alcohol, but do not bring soft drinks or mixers as we sell these. We have a good range of soft drinks for drivers. We have a dedicated tall customer cooler fridge to keep your drinks cold (we give you a number). When you want a drink our superb staff will serve you quickly and efficiently and let’s face it, you can’t beat bring-your-own-drinks prices! This also means you get the drink you want to drink at a price that you are willing to pay. DRINKS: Alcohol or Otherwise It is part of our license that all drinks are handed to the bar staff and served back to you. This also accords us with the requirements of ‘Drink Aware’ for business. Do not serve your drinks from your bags etc We have a legal duty to monitor this. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT !! Smoking and Vaping. We have an exterior/heated smoking/vaping deck. Please use freely. Do NOT Smoke or Vape anywhere indoors. Our staff will treat you well, please do the same for our staff. We have a zero tolerance for bad manners, rudeness or aggressive behaviour. Do not bring valuable items. We cannot have responsibility for items that you leave unattended. Small essential items like mobile phones may be left behind the bar. Lost Property: We cannot undertake to look after property that you leave behind. Particularly personal items that carry a hygiene risk, like underwear, toys, vapes etc. Chances are we will dispose of them within 24 hours. Where we do find other items we will not keep them for more than 3 months and we will never undertake to post them on to you at our cost. Drinks left in the customer cooler will be stored for no more than one month, then we will dispose of them. We do not use ‘wipe vinyl type tops’ for beds - THEY CANNOT BE PROPERLY WASHED AND DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU THAT THEY CAN BE - Instead we use machine boil washable cotton quilted tops that can be changed in a moment if required - these are washed every time they have been used. Beneath the cotton quilted top there is a machine washable waterproof cover. These are removed and machine washed every time they have been used. If you need a top changed during the course of the evening, please ask a member of staff who will be pleased to do this for you. It is your responsibility to dispose of waste personal items in the receptacles provided. This includes condoms, condom wrappers, and tissues. If you persist in ignoring this simple rule we may terminate your membership. Good and respectful behaviour is absolutely essential at all times. We will not in any circumstances tolerate disruptive or aggressive behaviour No Always Means No. In every circumstance you need to be sure that you have permission to play with people you don’t know. Even if you have played before you should never just assume that things are still okay - Ask. Ask. Ask. Always. Pushy, stalking type behaviour, from any member will not be tolerated - it’s bad for swinging we do not want it in our club. People need to feel safe and protected in our club environment it is a fundamental requirement of our rules that you understand and accept this. In every circumstance we will rescind your membership should you behave in such a way. Respect each other. It’s an Adult club, let’s all behave that way. Occasionally people will fall out we understand that but please do not let it spill out into the general club or blame the club because of it - you are in charge of yourselves. Do not expect the club owners and staff to sort out petty differences that you may have with another member/s - while we will step-in to ‘end’ silly disputes we will not undertake to mother- hen your behaviour and sort them out for you. Most likely you will be asked to take time-out. Remember it’s a night out - we are doing the best we can to make it a great one. If we have cause to remove your membership - it is unlikely to be re-instated. Membership Fees and Entrance Fees - once you have entered the main area of the club - are none refundable under any circumstances. This is not a try it once get a warning type of deal !Behave respectfully before the fact, not after it! The Owners and Management reserve the right at all times to refuse entry - rescind membership temporarily or permanently without reason or explanation. NO mobile phone or camera use whatsoever inside the main club area, play-rooms, smoking deck and toilets - you may however use mobile phones in reception only. We will not in any circumstances allow sex-workers to operate from our club. We are a Swingers Club NOT a Brothel. As a New or Established Member Do not bring sex-workers to our club. In all circumstances we will rescind such membership/s should we discover sex- workers operating in our club. Viagra/Kamagra is illegal to sell or supply without a medical license (hence we don’t sell or supply them) - however they are not illegal to use so we are happy for you to use them. DO NOT under any circumstances offer for sale or sell Viagra/Kamagra or similar products on our premises. HEALTH & SAFETY We have a Zero Tolerance Policy towards illegal drug use. Do not bring them into our club - you can be sure that we will ban you without question should you do so. If you persist we will call the Police. Read about safe sex at WikiPedia. Also. follow the links below . . . Sexual Health Stoke on Trent SSHCHARITY Private Testing in your own Home Friday 10 May 2024 (NEW) We have invested in a Philips HeartStart HS1 defibrillator and all Staff will be trained how to use it (currently awaiting delivery). It will be full view above above the first aid station on the right hand side of the Bar. Tuesday 17 April 2024 (NEW) Cat and Nina Attended and Completed ‘First Aid at Work 3 Year Certification’ We are all a little bit safer for it. So. What’s it all about? What’s it like? We have never done this before! It sounds really scary! What can we expect? Well. In truth the whole thing can look and feel a little scary at first glance, but let us put your mind at ease. Most first time swingers find that the scariest part is actually walking through the door of atlantisEVOLUTION. So let's start right there - at the front door - atlantisEVOLUTION is located on a very quiet street in Burslem. All you need to do is to ring the doorbell and a very polite member of staff will open the door for you and wish you a 'Good Evening!'. You are now in reception. The receptionist will welcome you and ask you for proof of ID, then ask you to fill out an application form. Once done you will be issued with a membership number - At this point you can hang your coats. Then a member of staff will take you on a full tour of the club - you can of course ask as many questions as you like during the tour, even those nitty-gritty ones! Once the tour is over you will be brought down to the main bar in the main room downstairs. If you have brought your own drinks this is where you can place them with the bar-staff. Your drinks will be given a number and then placed in the customer cooler fridge and each time you want a drink you just tell the bar-staff your number and they will top up your drink for you. You can of course buy soft drinks at the bar (please don't bring your own soft drinks or mixers because we sell these at the bar). Once your drinks are sorted you can do anything you like really - you can find a hideaway corner to sit in, and just watch the club unfold before your eyes or you can get right into the throng of the club and get chatting to members from the word go. We pride ourselves on our 'no pressure policy' so you will feel safe at all times. One thing is for sure, you will find that all members and staff at atlantisEVOLUTION are warm and friendly. If in doubt about anything, just ask a club member or a member of staff - everybody will be pleased to help you settle-in and make your time at atlantisEVOLUTION a fun and rewarding experience.
Call us between the hours of  10am and 2am on Club Nights. Call Between 10am and 10pm on Non Club Nights. We do NOT take calls from Private Numbers. Unblock your number and call again 07971 185 999 COSTS
Privacy Things that you should know: We are properly registered with the Information Commissioners Office for Data Protection (Our registration number is: Z3493500) Click the bold text to search the register. With regard to data use and retention: You may ask us to destroy your information at any time. We have no interest in keeping data that you do not wish us to have - if you request us to destroy your data it also reverts you to being a non-member. You may join again at any time (however you will have to supply the minimum information that is required to join and pay the membership fee that applies at that time). You may only ask us to destroy your data in person or by e/mail or surface mail to the address above. We will not do this solely by telephone. Our website does not use cookies of any kind. We have recording CCTV at the front of our building - reception - to the side of our building - to the rear of our building. We do not ever send publicity materials by post. We do not ever share your information with third parties. You may not transfer your membership to another person. We will rescind your membership permanently should you do so.

GDPR Compliance Statement

Your data. When processing data we undertake to do the following: The processing is lawful, fair and transparent. Transparent about what the data is being used for. Data is collected for a specific purpose. The data is necessary for the purpose. The data must be accurate and kept up to date. Data is not kept for longer than necessary. The data is kept safe and secure. What data we collect: 1. Your full name. 2. Your full address. 3. Age verification. 4. The date you joined. 5. Your Signature (to signify that you have read and agreed to abide by the rules of the club). Viewing your ID document/s: 1. We will view identification at the point of joining. 2. We will not take a copy of your ID. 3. We will match the viewed ID with the application form that you fill out at the time at joining. Why do we collect this data: We collect this data for three reasons: 1. It is a requirement of our (Adult) Licensing with Stoke on Trent Council. 2. It provides a safety mechanism for contact with you in the unlikely event that we need to. 3. It provides us with Age-Verification that you are over the age of 18 years. Who sees this data: 1. Only the person joining you at the time and day of joining and the 'owner/s' of the company. Is there any third party use of your data: 1. No. We do not share data/sell data to other third parties. 2. As we do not share data, it is never transferred outside of the EU. 3. We 'will' share data only in circumstances where we are legally required to do so. Website Cookies: 1. Our website does NOT collect or store cookie information. 2. There are no data entry points on our website such as forms or tick boxes. We therefore do not collect tracking data or any other kind of web based data entries. Contact from us to you: 1. We do not contact members in any way including, by email, by surface post, by messaging services such as SMS, Whatsapp, Microsoft messenger, and similar apps. Or by telephone. Contact from you to us: 1. You may contact us by use of popular messaging services. Once your conversation with us has 'naturally' terminated we delete such conversations as a matter of course. The company telephone is Biometrically and Password protected. The phone is never left un-attended. The phone is set to install security updates automatically as and when they become available. 2. We do not store your telephone number in the club cellphone. So, please don’t be offended if you message us and we don’t initially recognise who you are even though we may know you very well. 3. We do NOT do outward calls to you or calls to someone on behalf of you. Digital data: 1. We do not keep digital data. 2. Our data collection is paper based and is limited to those detailed in the section 'What Data we collect' above. Will my personal data be secure? 1. We value your privacy. Your data is kept securely under lock and key. Where can I file a request to access, rectify or remove my data? 1. If you wish to access your data that is processed through by us you can send a request in writing to us at the address lower down in this document. Or by visiting us in person. You must provide ID in both circumstances. We will not process data requests by telephone or email. 2. There is a £10 administration fee per data access request. Following your request for access, you can request rectification or removal of your data. This can be requested if: • The personal data is incorrect; • The personal data is incomplete or not relevant to the specific purpose for which it was collected; • The personal data is used in violation of the law. We undertake to answer your request within 14 working days. Do you have other questions about how we deal with your data? Please call or write to: 07971 185 999 - 10 William Clowes Street. Burslem. Stoke on Trent. Staffordshire. ST63AP. We will be happy to assist you. How we will inform you of privacy policy updates: 1. We will inform you on this page 1 month before the updates goes into effect. 2. Date this Policy was last reviewed. (Last Review: 06 February 2025). We are properly registered with the Information Commissioners Office for Data Protection (Our registration number is: A1106905) With regard to data use and retention: You may ask us to destroy your information at any time. We have no interest in keeping data that you do not wish us to have - if you request us to destroy your data it also reverts you to being a non-member. You may join again at any time (however you will have to supply the minimum information that is required to join and pay the membership fee that applies at that time). You may only ask us to destroy your data in person or by surface mail to the address above. We will not do this by telephone or email.
FREE SECURE PARKING ask at reception
“Come live the lifestyle”
atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Burslem. Stoke on Trent. VOTED ‘THE’ No 1 NIGHT CLUB THEMED SWINGERS CLUBS IN THE UK. And one of the UK's top Swingers clubs. 07971 185 999 We also hold Hot Wives Events. Hotwives Events, Fetish Events. Swingers Club and Adult Parties. Fab Swingers Parties. Greedy Fems Parties. BDSM & Fetish Events SDC Hotties Parties. atlantisEVOLUTION. Swingers Clubs. Swinger Club. Swinging Adventures. Swing Stoke. Serving Walsall. Birmingham. Darlaston. Hanley. Swing Club. Midlands. Swingers Clubs Staffordshire. Greedy Girls Staffordshire.
this website does not use cookies
Swingers Club Stoke Fetish Club Stoke Greedy Girls Club Stoke BDSM Events at atlantisEVOLUTION Stoke Staffordshire Midlands ST63AP 07971185999
Hi. I’m Cat. Your Owner and Host.
Join 18+ Adults Only. Help Us to Help You. Before calling us do read through this entire page with regard to joining and rules, ID required etc - we get a lot of calls and messages - a little bit of reading will save us both a lot of phone time. There really is masses of essential and useful information here. So. Get reading :)

Joining us is a very simple process, however

there are a some things that you have to do.

You must be a minimum of 18 years (No upper age limit) to join atlantisEVOLUTION. Do I have to join? Simply. Yes. atlantisEVOLUTION is a Private Members Club. Furthermore we are licensed and registered with our Local Authority as an adult venue. We do not do Guest Memberships - or show-a-rounds, you have to join fully and properly before entrance to any part of the club. We do not do internet, email or telephone sign-ups. You join on-the-night, in person, with proper ‘Address’ ID Last entry for Members is Midnight We do NOT answer the door after this time’ To join you need to bring a proper ID something official & recent that details your name and current home address: For example: One ID must show Address Drivers License - Utility Bill - Bank Statement Council Letter - Plus 18 Citizen Card or similar. ID is required for 'each' person joining. If you look to be below the age of 21 we may require 2 forms of ID - at least one must be a Passport or Drivers License. NO ID means NO ENTRANCE NO EXCEPTIONS Friday: 9pm-2am Entrance Couples: £20 +Life Membership is £20 (per couple) That’s £40 in total first visit - £20 thereafter Entrance Singles Males: £30 +Life Membership is £20 That’s £50 in total first visit - £30 thereafter Entrance Single Females: £10 +Life Membership is £20 That’s £30 in total first visit - £10 thereafter ____________________________________________________ Saturday: 9pm-2am Entrance Couples: £20 +Life Membership is £20 (per couple) That’s £40 in total first visit - £20 thereafter Entrance Single Females: £10 +Life Membership is £20 That’s £30 in total first visit - £10 thereafter SINGLE GENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON A SATURDAY ___________________________________________ Greedy Girls: 8pm-Midnight 1st Wed of each Month See the Our Nights Page for further info’ New Members Life Membership is £20 (everybody) Couples: £FREE Single Girls: £FREE Entrance Singles Males: £30 ___________________________________________ Sunday Fetish Events: 3pm-8pm Lifetime Membership is £20 pp Entrance is £10 pp. All welcome. _____NOTE: FETISH IS A NON SWINGING EVENT_____ You will be issued with a membership card please bring this with you each time that you visit. Memberships are NOT transferable. Download an Application Form Here You will need an application form for each member joining - Do not email this form back to us - Do bring it with you on your first visit. Don’t forget to bring the required ID with the form. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN THE FORM UNTIL YOU ARRIVE. You can fill an application form at reception if you wish to. Do not arrive drunk


Everything that you need to know and a little bit more IMPORTANT: We are NOT a Lapdance Club, a Striptease Club, or a Brothel. We NEVER EVER have paid Adult-Workers at ANY of our events. If this is what you are looking for then we are NOT for you! Dress Code: 1. Very smart. As if you were attending a nice nightclub or wine bar. Very smart jeans are okay 2. No Hoodies or Trainers or Tracksuit Bottoms or Tops. Football Strip or Football Tops 3. Modern fashion shoes like Vans or Converse are fine. 4. No outdoor coats in the main areas of the club. 5. A just-fallen-off-the-sofa look, is not cool. We reserve the right at all times to refuse entry if you are not dressed to our minimum requirements. We reserve the right to search bags at reception. We are not a wet club so you can dress-up or down as you wish. Often Fems will bring ier outfits to dress down into. We do not have lockers but we can keep small personal items for you in our safe and dress- wear in reception. Because we are NOT a wet club, we do not have or issue towels. We also do not like people to walk around in towels - it’s not the image we are seeking to foster - you may walk around as dressed or as undressed as you wish however. Anyone can dress down at any time, but we won’t tell you to. Arrive quietly and suitably dressed - change down if you wish to after you have arrived - Leave quietly and appropriately dressed. Hand Sanitiser Dispensers are in Reception - Bar Area. Play room Areas. Lounge Areas. Please use freely. A high-standard of personal-grooming is essential. Look good - Smell Good - Feel Good. No Chewing Gum anywhere. There is a shower at the top of the first landing - with fresh towels, shower, soap and hair-dryer. Bring your own alcohol: but do not bring soft drinks or mixers as we sell these. We have a good range of soft drinks for drivers. We have a dedicated tall customer cooler fridge to keep your drinks cold (we give you a number). When you want a drink our superb staff will serve you quickly and efficiently and let’s face it, you can’t beat bring-your-own-drinks prices! This also means you get the drink you want to drink at a price that you are willing to pay. DRINKS Alcohol or Otherwise It is part of our license that all drinks are handed to the bar staff and served back to you. This also accords us with the requirements of ‘Drink Aware’ for business. Do not serve your drinks from bags etc We have a legal duty to monitor this. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT !! Smoking and Vaping: We have an exterior/heated smoking/vaping deck. Please use freely. Do NOT Smoke indoors You may Vape downstairs only. Our staff will treat you well, please do the same for our staff. We have a zero tolerance for bad manners, rudeness or aggressive behaviour. Do not bring valuable items. We cannot have responsibility for items that you leave unattended. Small essential items like mobile phones may be left behind the bar. Lost Property: We cannot undertake to look after property that you leave behind. Particularly personal items that carry a hygiene risk, like underwear, toys, vapes etc. Chances are we will dispose of them within 24 hours. Where we do find other items we will not keep them for more than 3 months and we will never undertake to post them on to you at our cost. Drinks left in the customer cooler will be stored for no more than one month, then we will dispose of them. We do not use ‘wipe vinyl type tops’ for beds - THEY CANNOT    BE    PROPERLY    WASHED    AND    DON’T    LET ANYONE   TELL   YOU   THAT   THEY   CAN   BE - Instead we use machine boil washable cotton quilted tops that can be changed in a moment if required - these are washed every time they have been used. Beneath the cotton quilted top there is a machine washable waterproof cover. These are removed and machine washed every time they have been used. If you need a top changed during the course of the evening please ask a member of staff who will be pleased to do this for you. It is your responsibility to dispose of waste personal items in the receptacles provided. This includes condoms, condom wrappers, and tissues. If you persist in ignoring this simple rule we may terminate your membership. Good and respectful behaviour is absolutely essential at all times. We will not in any circumstances tolerate disruptive or aggressive behaviour. No Always Means No. In every circumstance you need to be sure that you have permission to play with people you don’t know. Even if you have played before you should never just assume that things are still okay - Ask. Ask. Ask. Always. Pushy, stalking type behaviour from any member will not be tolerated - it’s bad for swinging we do not want it in our club. People need to feel safe and protected in our club environment it is a fundamental requirement of our rules that you understand and accept this. In every circumstance we will rescind your membership should you behave in such a way. Respect each other. It’s an Adult club let’s all behave that way. Occasionally people will fall out we understand that but please do not let it spill out into the general club or blame the club because of it - you are in charge of yourselves. Do not expect the club owners and staff to sort out petty differences that you may have with another member/s - while we will step- in to ‘end’ silly disputes we will not undertake to mother-hen your behaviour and sort them out for you. Most likely you will be asked to take time-out. Remember it’s a night out - we are doing the best we can to make it a great one. If we have cause to remove your membership - it is unlikely to be re-instated. Membership Fees and Entrance Fees - once you have entered the main area of the club - are none refundable under any circumstances. This is not a try it once, get a warning type of deal, Behave respectfully before the fact, not after it! The Owners and Management reserve the right at all times to refuse entry - rescind membership - temporarily or permanently without reason or explanation. HEALTH & SAFETY We have a Zero Tolerance Policy towards illegal drug use. Do not bring them into our club - you can be sure that we will ban you without question should you do so. If you persist we will call the Police. Read about safe sex at WikiPedia. Also. follow the links below . . . Sexual Health Stoke on Trent SSHCHARITY Private Testing in your own Home Friday 10 May 2024 (NEW) We have invested in a Philips HeartStart HS1 defibrillator It will be full view above above the first aid station on the right hand side of the Bar. Tuesday 17 April 2024 (NEW) Cat and Nina Attended and Completed ‘First Aid at Work 3 Year Certification’ We are all a little bit safer for it. Read about safe sex at WikiPedia. Also. follow the links below . . . Sexual Health Stoke on Trent SSHCHARITY Private Testing in your own Home NO mobile phone or camera use whatsoever inside the main club area, play-rooms, smoking deck and toilets - you may however use mobile phones in reception only. Viagra/Kamagra is illegal to sell or supply without a medical license (hence we don’t sell or supply them) - however they are not illegal to use so we are happy for you to use them. DO NOT under any circumstances offer for sale or sell Viagra/Kamagra or similar products on our premises. New to Swinging? Always wanted to give it a try? Have you been putting it off? Some of your questions answered . . . Are swinging clubs legal? o Well we certainly are, we are fully licensed with our local authority. Not all clubs are fully legal - some are not even known to their local authority. Be careful. Is it confidential? o Yes. We are fully registered with ICO and GDPR Compliant See below under things you should know. What’s it like in there? o It’s just like a nice nightclub. Is it full of weird people? o No. Everyone is quite normal. Well just as normal as you are at least. Is it welcoming? o Unbelievably. Is it friendly? o Very. We are New to Swinging can we Play on our own or just watch or be watched? o Yes of course you can. Nobody would think that strange. When can I join? o Single Fems and Couples can join any day that we open. Single Gentlemen can join Friday or on other selected events (see our calendar). I’m a single female will I be welcome. o Very. And we will go out of our way to help and assist you. Can I call for a chat? o Yes of course you can. See times/days that we are available on our contact page. Can we Play anywhere in the Club? Everywhere, but reception and the smoking deck. Make this the year that you started swinging. You really will wonder why you took so long to do so. So. What’s it all about? What’s it like? We have never done this before! It sounds really scary! What can we expect? Well. In truth the whole thing can look and feel a little scary at first glance, but let us put your mind at ease. Most first time swingers find that the scariest part is actually walking through the door of atlantisEVOLUTION. So let's start right there - at the front door - atlantisEVOLUTION is located on a very quiet street in Burslem. All you need to do is to ring the doorbell and a very polite member of staff will open the door for you and wish you a 'Good Evening!'. You are now in reception. The receptionist will welcome you and ask you for proof of ID, then ask you to fill out an application form. Once done you will be issued with a membership number - At this point you can hang your coats. Then a member of staff will take you on a full tour of the club - you can of course ask as many questions as you like during the tour, even those nitty-gritty ones! Once the tour is over you will be brought down to the main bar in the main room downstairs. If you have brought your own drinks this is where you can place them with the bar-staff. Your drinks will be given a number and then placed in the customer cooler fridge and each time you want a drink you just tell the bar- staff your number and they will top up your drink for you. You can of course buy soft drinks at the bar (please don't bring your own soft drinks or mixers because we sell these at the bar) . Once your drinks are sorted you can do anything you like really - you can find a hideaway corner to sit in, and just watch the club unfold before your eyes or you can get right into the throng of the club and get chatting to members from the word go. We pride ourselves on our 'no pressure policy' so you will feel safe at all times. One thing is for sure, you will find that all members and staff at atlantisEVOLUTION are warm and friendly. If in doubt about anything, just ask a club member or a member of staff - everybody will be pleased to help you settle-in and make your time at atlantisEVOLUTION a fun and rewarding experience. Privacy Things that you should know: We are properly registered with the Information Commissioners Office for Data Protection (Our registration number is: Z3493500) Click the bold text to search the register. With regard to data use and retention: You may ask us to destroy your information at any time. We have no interest in keeping data that you do not wish us to have - if you request us to destroy your data it also reverts you to being a non-member. You may join again at any time (however you will have to supply the minimum information that is required to join and pay the membership fee that applies at that time). You may only ask us to destroy your data in person or by e/mail or surface mail to the address above. We will not do this solely by telephone. Our website does not use cookies of any kind. We have recording CCTV at the front of our building - reception - to the side of our building - to the rear of our building. We do not ever send publicity materials by post. We do not ever share your information with third parties. You may not transfer your membership to another person. We will rescind your membership permanently should you do so.

GDPR Compliance Statement

Your data. When processing data we undertake to do the following: The processing is lawful, fair and transparent. Transparent about what the data is being used for. Data is collected for a specific purpose. The data is necessary for the purpose. The data must be accurate and kept up to date. Data is not kept for longer than necessary. The data is kept safe and secure. What data we collect: 1. Your full name. 2. Your full address. 3. Age verification. 4. The date you joined. 5. Your Signature (to signify that you have read and agreed to abide by the rules of the club). Viewing your ID document/s: 1. We will view identification at the point of joining. 2. We will not take a copy of your ID. 3. We will match the viewed ID with the application form that you fill out at the time at joining. Why do we collect this data: We collect this data for three reasons: 1. It is a requirement of our (Adult) Licensing with Stoke on Trent Council. 2. It provides a safety mechanism for contact with you in the unlikely event that we need to. 3. It provides us with Age-Verification that you are over the age of 18 years. Who sees this data: 1. Only the person joining you at the time and day of joining and the 'owner/s' of the company. Is there any third party use of your data: 1. No. We do not share data/sell data to other third parties. 2. As we do not share data, it is never transferred outside of the EU. 3. We 'will' share data only in circumstances where we are legally required to do so. Website Cookies: 1. Our website does NOT collect or store cookie information. 2. There are no data entry points on our website such as forms or tick boxes. We therefore do not collect tracking data or any other kind of web based data entries. Contact from us to you: 1. We do not contact members in any way including, by email, by surface post, by messaging services such as SMS, WhatsApp, Microsoft messenger, and similar apps. Or by telephone. Contact from you to us: 1. You may contact us by use of popular messaging services. Once your conversation with us has 'naturally' terminated we delete such conversations as a matter of course. The company telephone is Bio metrically and Password protected. The phone is never left un-attended. The phone is set to install security updates automatically as and when they become available. 2. We do not store your telephone number in the club cellphone. So, please don’t be offended if you message us and we don’t initially recognise who you are even though we may know you very well. 3. We do NOT do outward calls to you or calls to someone on behalf of you. Digital data: 1. We do not keep digital data. 2. Our data collection is paper based and is limited to those detailed in the section 'What Data we collect' above. Will my personal data be secure? 1. We value your privacy. Your data is kept securely under lock and key. Where can I file a request to access, rectify or remove my data? 1. If you wish to access your data that is processed through by us you can send a request in writing to us at the address lower down in this document. Or by visiting us in person. You must provide ID in both circumstances. We will not process data requests by telephone or email. 2. There is a £10 administration fee per data access request. Following your request for access, you can request rectification or removal of your data. This can be requested if: • The personal data is incorrect; The personal data is incomplete or not relevant to the specific purpose for which it was collected; • The personal data is used in violation of the law. We undertake to answer your request within 14 working days. Do you have other questions about how we deal with your data? Please call or write to: 07971 185 999 - 10 William Clowes Street. Burslem. Stoke on Trent. Staffordshire. ST63AP. We will be happy to assist you. How we will inform you of privacy policy updates: 1. We will inform you on this page 1 month before the updates goes into effect. 2. Date this Policy was last reviewed. (Last Review: 06 February 2025). We are properly registered with the Information Commissioners Office for Data Protection (Our registration number is: A1106905 ) With regard to data use and retention: You may ask us to destroy your information at any time. We have no interest in keeping data that you do not wish us to have - if you request us to destroy your data it also reverts you to being a non-member. You may join again at any time (however you will have to supply the minimum information that is required to join and pay the membership fee that applies at that time). You may only ask us to destroy your data in person or by surface mail to the address above. We will not do this by telephone or email.
Last Update: 13 February 2025
Two Friendly Aliens
This website is the © copyright property of the ‘owners of’ atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. The author has asserted the work as *his own (*the owners of’ atlantisEVOLUTION), intellectual property. Copying or plagiarising it is therefore theft. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be copied without express prior and written permission. We will assert our legal right at all times to protect this copyright in law. © 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015/2016 2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024/2025 (Learn About Copyright Law) atlantisEVOLUTION is a Private Members Club atlantisEVOLUTION is owned solely by atlantisEVOLUTION. atlantisEVOLUTION is a Private Limited Company. It has no affiliation, ownership, part-ownership with any other ‘swingers’ club or individual/s in the UK or Abroad. atlantisEVOLUTION Evolution House 10 William Clowes Street. Burslem. Stoke on Trent. Staffordshire. ST6 3AP EMAIL: cat.atlantisevolution (at) Helping keep our spam to a minimum. Please replace the ‘(at)’ with ‘@’ when mailing us. 07971 185 999
COSTS Call us between the hours of  10am and 2am on Club Nights. Call Between 10am and 10pm on Non Club Nights. We do NOT take calls from Blocked Numbers. Unblock your number and call again 07971 185 999
WE NEVER GIVE NUMBERS ATTENDING OVER THE PHONE Please don’t ask, you won’t get an answer! What happens in the club stays in the club
atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Burslem. Stoke on Trent. VOTED ‘THE’ No 1 NIGHT CLUB THEMED SWINGERS CLUBS IN THE UK. And one of the UK's top Swingers clubs. 07971 185 999 We also hold Fetish Events. Swingers Club and Adult Parties. Fab Swingers Parties. Greedy Girls Parties. BDSM & Fetish Event SDC Hotties Parties. Hotwives, Hot Wives, atlantisEVOLUTION. Swingers Clubs. Swinger Club. Swinging Adventures. Swing Stoke. Serving Walsall. Birmingham. Darlaston. Hanley. Swing Club. Midlands. Swingers Clubs Staffordshire. Greedy Girls Staffordshire.
We do NOT take calls from Blocked Numbers
Swingers Fetish BDSM Greedy Girls Events at atlantisEVOLUTION Stoke Staffordshire Midlands ST63AP 07971185999