atlantisEVOLUTIONEvolution House10 William Clowes StreetBurslemStoke on TrentStaffordshireST6 3AP (open map)EMAIL: cat.atlantisevolution (at) Helping keep our spam to a minimum. Please replace the ‘(at)’ with ‘@’ when mailing us.07971 185 999
YoumightbestdescribeatlantisEVOLUTION asanAdultNightclub,it’saplacewhereyou canmeetandhavegreatsocialtimeina vibrantsocialsetting.WehaveMusicor themed DJ events.Wehaveearnedasolidreputationforbeing oneofthepremierswingersclubs.Takealook around the web at what people say about us.CometoatlantisEVOLUTIONandmeetthe bestthatswinginghastooffer,Danceuntil yourfeetaresore,haveanamazingtimewith amazingswingers,thenchill,anddowemean chill!!!inanatmospheresorelaxedthatit’s quite positively de-stressing.Ourservicetocustomersissecondtonone. Recently(November2012)wewereVOTED THENUMBER2 SwingersClubandthe NUMBER1NightclubThemedSWINGERS CLUBINTHEUKbyThe‘SexInTheCities Guide’Weprideourselvesonthelengthsthat wegototoensureyourcomfortandsafety. Youwillfindourmembersquiterefreshingly friendly,youwillfindtheownersandstaff tremendously helpful and supportive.
This is an ADULT only website with adult themes. By continuing, you agree that you are 18 years or older. +18 ONLY
Playtime for Adults
atlantisEVOLUTIONSwingersClubUK.BurslemStokeonTrent.VOTED ‘THE’No1UKSwingersClubsMidlandsNIGHTCLUBTHEMEDSwingers Club.All Fun || All Love || No DramaWelcometoatlantisEVOLUTIONWearegladthatyouhavefoundus.If youarenewtoswinging,orifyouhavebeeninthelifestyleformany years,beginatthispageandletusintroduceourselves.Pleaseread throughasmuchofthiswebsiteasyoucan,itprovidesusefuland sometimesessentialinformation.Itwillalsoallowforyoutogetthe best out of atlantisEVOLUTION.atlantisEVOLUTIONisagreatplacetoswingandenjoyyourswinging lifestyle.Weactivelyencouragegreatswingingrelationshipsinavery positiveenvironment.Ifyouarenewtoswingingyouwillneverfeelout ofcontrol,ourmembersaresimplythebestandtheyreallydocare about each other and they positively welcome new members.SwingersUKandAbroad.Wehavehadmanymanythousandsof swingers visit us from across the UK and abroad over the years.Wearesituatedonaveryquietnon-residentialstreetthathasno throughtraffic.Wearetheonlybusinessopenatthetimesweareopen for business.Yourinformationissafewithus.Weareproperlyregisteredwiththe InformationCommissionersOfficeforDataProtection(DataProtection Act 1998). Our GDPR Compliance Statement can be found on our Privacy page.
We understand the lifestyle because we live the lifestyle.ThoughatlantisEVOLUTIONisindeedabusinessitisalsoourPassion, wehaveswingingasalifestyleinourhearts.Wealwaysgothatextra miletoaccommodateyourneeds,wantsanddesires.Youwillfindus Warm, Honest and Forever Approachable.Weguaranteethatyoucanalwaysfindamemberofstaffwhowilllisten empatheticallyandthatyoucanalwaystalkdirectlytoanowner.Infact you will mostly find the owners as hosts out there in the club with you.Ourextensiveexperiencehastaughtusthatsolvingproblemsasthey appearalwaysproducesthebestresults.Ifsomethingisn’trightplease tell us right away and we will fix it with the utmost urgency.Dokeepinmindthatourabsoluteaimistoensurethatyouthoroughly enjoyyourtimeatatlantisEVOLUTIONandthatyoukeepcomingback tothewarmestofwelcomesforalong-timeintothefuture.Startyour swinging adventure in style and comfort.PopovertoourJOIN/RULESpagehereorabove,andstartyour swinging journey. We join many new members every single month.So.Fromustoyouandonbehalfofourmanythousandsofmembers allovertheUKandtheWorldwhowejustloveandadore,wewouldlike to wish you the very warmest of welcomes.Cat and Tag XX
atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Burslem. Stoke on Trent. VOTED ‘THE’ No 1 NIGHT CLUB THEMED SWINGERS CLUBS IN THE UK. And one of the UK's top Swingers clubs.07971 185 999We also hold Hot Wives Events. Hotwives Events, Fetish Events. Swingers Club and Adult Parties. Fab Swingers Parties. Greedy Fems Parties. BDSM & Fetish Events SDC Hotties Parties. atlantisEVOLUTION. Swingers Clubs. Swinger Club. Swinging Adventures. Swing Stoke. Serving Walsall. Birmingham. Darlaston. Hanley. Swing Club. Midlands. Swingers Clubs Staffordshire. Greedy Girls Staffordshire.
Friday 28March‘It’s Friday. Let’s Party’‘Let your hair down and partySaturday 29March ‘Super Sexy Lush Saturdays’ALL FUN || ALL LOVE || NO DRAMA
FRIDAY 04 AprilFRIDAY 04 AprilFRIDAY 04 AprilFRIDAY 04 AprilFRIDAY 04 AprilHannaH’slet’s ‘Freak the Freak Out Party’ with ourPinkPrincesses BIRTHDAY PARTY+ PARTY & COMPETITIONS Pop - Dance - Rock and Party till you DropDO NOT MISS THIS
Established June 2010
We are 14 !! Going on 15 !!!
We celebrated our
14th Birthday was 10 June 2024
What people say about us:Brilliant night at this lush club, from steppingthrough the door to leaving this morning we weremade so welcome. Staff are not only efficient, runoff their feet at the bar, but are so warming goingthe extra mile to look after you.It was their 9th Birthday Party, club decorated,buffet, great vibe and awesome tunes (DJ Brill lovesplaying your requests) lots of sexy couples wefound so friendly. Can't wait for next Party night.Say hi if we chatted._________________Wow what a fantastic night, cat and tag certainlyknow how to throw a party, amazing atmosphere, greatmusic and most off all lots of sexy people, the perfect ingredients which have made this club so great overthe last 9 years, love this place and cant wait for manymore years of fun and most of allfantastic friendships xxx ________________We absolutely love Atlantis and Cat and Tag most ofall, we always get the warmest welcome and the9th birthday bash was no different. The club wasdecorated to the max and a fantastic buffet waslaid on, and the icing on the cake was that it wasfull of sexy happy people enjoying themselves.We can’t wait for our next visit xx________________Absolutely amazing night at Atlantis for their 9thbirthday party last night,didn't want to come homemet some amazing people the place was absolutelypacked. Had some cheak fun with a sexy pair.Thank you so much Kat Tag and Nina and all others who were involved. Great night. We’ve had literally hundreds of amazing events, nights and celebrations . . . Theclubconstantlydrawsnewmembersandweare constantlylookingatnewideasforeventsand facilities. Comeandjointhefriendliestclubformilesand miles around. YoumightbestdescribeatlantisEVOLUTIONasan AdultNightclub,it’saplacewhereyoucanmeetand havegreatsocialtimeinavibrantsocialsetting.We have Music or themed DJ events. Wehaveearnedasolidreputationasbeingone ofthepremierswingersclubs.Takealookaround the web a read what people say about us.CometoatlantisEVOLUTIONandmeetthebest thatswinginghastooffer,Danceuntilyourfeetare sore,haveamazingfunwithamazingswingers,then chill,anddowemeanchill!!!inanatmosphereso relaxed that it’s quite positively de-stressing.Ourservicetocustomersissecondtonone. Recently(November2012)wewereVOTEDTHE NUMBER2 SwingersClubandtheNUMBER1 NightclubThemedSWINGERSCLUBINTHEUKby The‘SexInTheCitiesGuide’Weprideourselveson thelengthsthatwegototoensureyourcomfort andsafety.Youwillfindourmembersquite refreshinglyfriendly,youwillfindtheownersand staff tremendously helpful and supportive.
Click LOGO to visit our FACEBOOK pageWeunderstandthelifestylebecausewelivethe lifestyle.AndthoughatlantisEVOLUTIONisindeeda businessitisalsoourPassion,wehaveswingingasa lifestyleinourhearts.Wealwaysgothatextramileto accommodateyourneeds,wantsanddesires.Youwill find us Warm, Honest and Forever Approachable.Weguaranteethatyoucanalwaysfindamemberof staffwhowilllistenempatheticallyandthatyoucan alwaystalkdirectlytoanowner.Infactyouwillmostly find the owners as hosts out there in the club with you.Ourextensiveexperiencehastaughtusthatsolving problemsastheyappearalwaysproducesthebest results.Ifsomethingisn’trightpleasetellusrightaway and we will fix it with the utmost urgency.Dokeepinmindthatourabsoluteaimistoensurethat youthoroughlyenjoyyourtimeatatlantisEVOLUTION andthatyoukeepcomingbacktothewarmestof welcomesforalong-timeintothefuture.Startyour swinging adventure in style and comfort.PopovertoourJOIN/RULESpagehereorabove,and startyourswingingjourney.Wejoinmanynewmembers every single month.So.Fromustoyouandonbehalfofourmany thousandsofmembersallovertheUKandtheWorld whowejustloveandadore,wewouldliketowishyou the very warmest of welcomes.Cat and Tag XX
atlantisEVOLUTION Swingers Club. Burslem. Stoke on Trent. VOTED ‘THE’ No 1 NIGHT CLUB THEMED SWINGERS CLUBS IN THE UK. And one of the UK's top Swingers clubs.07971 185 999We also hold Fetish Events. Swingers Club and Adult Parties. Fab Swingers Parties. Greedy Girls Parties. BDSM & Fetish EventSDC Hotties Parties. Hotwives, Hot Wives, atlantisEVOLUTION. Swingers Clubs. Swinger Club. Swinging Adventures. Swing Stoke. Serving Walsall. Birmingham. Darlaston. Hanley. Swing Club. Midlands. Swingers Clubs Staffordshire. Greedy Girls Staffordshire.
Friday 28Mar‘It’s Friday. Let’s Party’‘Let your hair down and partySaturday 29Mar ‘Super Sexy Lush Saturdays’MEET | PARTY | PLAY
Welcome‘the Adult Lifestyle Club’ - MEET | PARTY | PLAY
+18 ONLY
This is an ADULT only website with adult themes. By continuing you agree that you are aged 18 years or older.atlantisEVOLUTIONSwingersClubUK.BurslemStokeon Trent.VOTED‘THE’No1UKSwingersClubsMidlands NIGHT CLUB THEMED Swingers Club.All Fun || All Love || No DramaWelcometoatlantisEVOLUTIONWearegladthatyou havefoundus.Ifyouarenewtoswinging,orifyouhave beeninthelifestyleformanyyears,beginatthispageand letusintroduceourselves.Pleasereadthroughasmuch ofthiswebsiteasyoucan,itprovidesusefuland sometimesessentialinformation.Itwillalsoallowforyou to get the best out of atlantisEVOLUTION.atlantisEVOLUTIONisagreatplacetoswingandenjoy yourswinginglifestyle.Weactivelyencouragegreat swingingrelationshipsinaverypositiveenvironment.If youarenewtoswingingyouwillneverfeeloutofcontrol, ourmembersaresimplythebestandtheyreallydocare abouteachotherandtheypositivelywelcomenew members.SwingersUKandAbroad.Wehavehadmanymany thousandofswingersvisitusfromacrosstheUKand abroad over the years.Wearesituatedonaveryquietnon-residentialstreetthat hasnothroughtraffic.Wearetheonlybusinessopenat the times we are open for business.Yourinformationissafewithus.Weareproperly registeredwiththeInformationCommissionersOfficefor Data Protection (Data Protection Act 1998). OurGDPRComplianceStatementcanbefoundonour Privacy page.
“Come live the lifestyle. All Fun | All Love | No Drama”
FRIDAY 04 AprilFRIDAY 04 AprilFRIDAY 04 AprilFRIDAY 04 AprilHannaH’slet’s ‘Freak the Freak Out Party’ with ourPinkPrincesses BIRTHDAY PARTY + PARTY & COMPETITIONSPop - Dance - Rock and Party till you DropDO NOT MISS THIS